Would you like to know which colours will be the trend for 2018 weddings? Very well, you are in the right place! Make yourselves comfortable and enjoy the reading. The year has just started and new seasons of beautiful weddings are coming. New “yes” full of emotions, surprises, enthusiasms and big smiles. It is a pleasure to look outside and see that so many couples have started a process that will lead them to the altar to pronounce that “yes” that will touch entire families and the closest friends.
The funny side of organising a wedding is also studying the new trends that will make the wedding couple fall in love. We have observed, studied and analysed many trends, and have spent full days taking inspirations from the best wedding magazines. To warm up from these cold winter months we decided to write for you a deepening about the trend colours for 2018 weddings. So let’s just sit down, drink a nice coup of tea, put a blanket on your legs and use your imagination.
Are you ready to discover the new trendy colours with us?
Word of Pantone
The decision about the colour of the year pertains as usual to Pantone; quite rightly, as it knows a lot about trends and fashion. Let’s make a short digression about Pantone:
Pantone Inc. is an American company dealing mainly with graphic technologies, colours cataloging and production of identification system of colours. It became the international rule regarding the graphics and recently it has been used to manage colours in the industry and chemical sectors. (Wikipedia)

It is useless to underline how the trend colours of a specific period have an influence also on weddings. Professionals mix and acquire the different tones of colours, creating options and shades that fit the wedding atmosphere, which pretends style, personality, refinement and elegance.
Greenery, the fresh and refined side of nature.
First confirmation of Pantone for 2018 is about a colour that already in 2017 was a big success in weddings: the Greenery. It is a green with fresh and light shades, with a little bit of yellow.
This colour leads us immediately to the evoking landscapes of Tuscany. A nature that leaves the viewers breathless, also those who know these landscapes very well. Greenery is so that an ideal colour for floral decorations, for ceremonies and wedding receptions. It represents an interesting choice also for the bridesmaids’ dresses and all the decorative elements.
Ultraviolet, the true colour of the year.
We talked about Greenery, but the true colours of the year, according to Pantone, are Lilac, Lavender and Violet. A more delicate shade of light lilac is the romantic Pink Lavender (a pink-violet) which antagonises the more intense Ultraviolet (a violet with a bit of blue). The colours of experiment and energy, to which are attributed also some spiritual connotations.
For centrepieces and decorations of any sort we can choose between the soft and romantic Pink Lavender, or the fleshy and intense violet with shades of blue: the Ultraviolet.

The Pantone Colour of the Year started to mean more than just “what is trendy” in the design world; “it is a reflexion about what the world needs today” added Laurie Pressman, Vice President of Pantone Colour Institute. “As individuals of the whole world are more and more fascinated by the colours and as they understand its ability to convey messages and deeper meanings, developers and labels have to feel motivated to use the colour to inspire and influence. The Colour of the Year is that specific moment that provides a strategic direction to the world of the tendencies and the design, reflecting the work that the Pantone Colour Institute makes during the whole year for developer and labels”. (store.pantone.com).
How many lilac and intense violet flowers and decorations will we see in 2018? Subscribe to our newsletter to have informations about the next trends!
And while we are waiting to satisfy our curiosities, let’s close the eyes and start imagining our Greenery & Pink Lavender wedding!