Winter and spring bouquet: our floral inspiration

I must have flowers, always, and always.-  Monet

There are people who weekly go to the florist to buy a bouquet to put on the kitchen table or simply to smell that incredible perfume of flowers that cheers people up even when it is raining. Flowers: a delight for the eyes, a pleasure for the nose.

It is no surprise that flowers are one of the fundamental component of a wedding. And how to forget the fact that they are the protagonists of the most important and familiar ritual of every wedding: the throw of the bouquet, a gesture that brings luck to the one that catches it, that should get married within a year. According to the tradition the bouquet, strictly matched with the bride’s dress, has ancient origins. it is said that in the East people used to adorn the bride with orange blossoms (the illustrious ancestor of the bouquet), as a wish for fertility. The bouquet therefore has also a highly symbolic value besides the aesthetic one.

Looking for new ideas for the brides’ bouquets is exciting for us too. We love elegance and we put a lot of attention in the details of every wedding that we organise. Because flowers too are the expression of our style.

In order to be a source of inspiration for you, we want to propose you some floral ideas, for both wedding couples who marry in the charming winter season, and for those who decided to say “yes” in the warming spring time or under the shiny summer sun. Before we start we would like to give you a very useful suggestion: always choose season flowers, maybe embellishing the composition with other natural elements such as berries and crow-flowers.

Flowers for winter, among delicacy and elegance.

Crow flowers
White peony
Calla lilies

Flowers for summer, among romanticism and brightness

Roses, roses and more roses

English rose
Olive tree
Pink Cluster

For what concerns the summer bouquet it would be interesting the choice of a single flower, a real touch of class.

Are you already picturing the combination of flowers that will compose your bouquet? Give fantasy the green light. Explain us our ideas and let us advising you! We will design together the best bouquet that will match the wedding style, keeping in mind also the trend colours of a given year or period of the year. Meanwhile we present you some images of some beautiful bouquets. 

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